Monday, February 7, 2011

More food now!

Seriously, more food.

So I'm back after a few months.  After a standard holiday season with more sweets and less working out than previous months.  It took about a month to get back on track and here I am.

Right now my goals are shifting.  I did CF as one does CF for a while, got in the best shape of my life and have learned something new... I want more muscle.  So alas, I now turn to body building.

So far so good.  I'm going on this basic idea, less crap food (sorry holidays), whole grains only, 3100 or so calories a day and about 150+ grams of protein a day.  In about a month and a half I've been able to go from 148lbs to 161lbs.  Not bad, sure there is some excess fat, but I can deal with that later, as is the nature of putting on weight.

My days are looking about like this right now:
5:15am - Steel cut oats with flax and brown sugar, Protein shake with milk
7am - Post workout shake
12pm - Normal Lunch
3-4pm - Veggies, Fruit, nuts, hummus
5pm - Protein shake
7pm - Normal Dinner
9pm - Protien shake

Right now, Friday night through Saturday night are my cheats.  I'm also doing 5 days a week (M-F) at CrossFit Cosa Mesa, that is helping a ton.

I have noticed considerable increases in both weight, muscle (I'm guessing 50% of the weight gain is muscle) and strength.  My 1RM Press went up from 80 to 102lbs in this time frame.

After Feb, I am taking a month or two off of CrossFit to work on strict body building.  My goal is to be about 175lbs around 10% body fat.  As much as I love CrossFit, it's not really a 'bulk up' kinda program.  I think it will be key to getting down to 10% BF, but I'm going to try something new for bulking up.  Should be fun.

Wish me luck, I'll keep results posted!


  1. good luck Nate! don't change the title of your blog yet :) you're still a crossfitter!

  2. Of course not! CrossFit is awesome, I personally just view it as a sport; as sport that I really enjoy. A sport that is also a fitness revolution.

    I'm just doing a bit of an 'off season' to put on some weight and get back into CrossFit with a better physical foundation for some of the core movements.
